Some news about this site..
I started very early to cultivate a passion for photography, since a boy.
Explore the places through the perspective of a camera has always exercised a great fascination for me.
The search for the right composition, the just light, a different point of view,
represents an ongoing challenge and stimulating. Research exciting.
Perhaps the spirit of research, ever since a boy and thanks to my father,
I went to the wonderful world of mycology.
Over time and thanks to several friends who have and still share this passion,
I slowly discovered that the two experiences could not only coexist but can be matched very well.
The experiment and attempts in this adventure continues.
In the meantime you can see here the first modest results.
A special thanks is a duty towards those who provided me and gives me inspiration,
guidance, support and valuable advice for the mycological determinations.
For the mycological part Federico Calledda, Matteo Carbone, Massimo Tasselli, Massimo Biraghi and friends of many walks:
Marco and Massimo Mantovani, Emilio Pini.
For the photographic part, Gianluigi Zadra and Riccardo Polini for their valuable technical advice and nice evaluations.
But I am sure that I forgot to anyone.
This website is a little more my effort; I'll be grateful to anyone who wants to report errors, omissions,
or send positive or negative comments on the contents. Thanks to everybody.