Genus Amanita
Genus Boletus
Genus Cortinarius
Genus Hygrocybe
Genus Hygrophorus
Genus Lactarius
Genus Russula
Genus Suillus
Genus Tricholoma
Altri Generi - Others Genus
Fungi details
Primaverili - Springtime
Boletus edulis group
--> Genere Lactarius - Genus Lactarius..
Lactarius torminosulus
Knudsen & T. Borgen
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60 G micro - 0,6 sec. @ f/25 - Found under Betula nana (Lapland, Finland)
Lactarius luteolus
Nikon D800E - AF-S 60 G micro - 0.8 sec. @ f/25 - Found under Corylus avellanea and Quercus spp. (Lombardia, Italy)
Lactarius helvus
(Fr.) Fr.
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60 G micro - 0.3 sec. @ f/14 - Found under Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris (Finland)
Lactarius spinosulus
Quél. & Le Bret.
Nikon D3 - AF-S 105 micro VR - 1 sec. @ f/18 - Found under Betula spp. and Alnus spp. (Lombardia, Italy)
Lactarius fennoscandicus
Verbeken & Vesterh.
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60 G micro - 0.8 sec. @ f/25 - Found under Picea abies (Finland)
Lactarius volemus
(Fr.) Fr.
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60 G micro - 1.3 sec. @ f/18 - Found under Castanea sativa (Lombardia, Italy)
Lactarius flavopalustris
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60 G micro - 1/6 sec. @ f/14 - Found under Picea abies (Finland)
Lactarius tabidus
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60 G micro - 3 sec. @ f/20 - Found under Alnus sp. and Betula sp. (Finland)
Lactarius porninsis
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60 G micro - 1/10 sec. @ f/14 - Found under Larix decidua (Lombardia, Italy)
Lactarius evosmus
Kühner & Romagn.
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60 G micro - 1/8 sec. @ f/16 - Found under Populus alba (Emilia Romagna, Italy)
Lactarius serifluus
(DC.) Fr.
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60 G micro - 4 sec. @ f/25 - Found under Quercus sp. (Liguria, Italy)
Lactarius atlanticus
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60 G micro - 8 sec. @ f/25 - Found under Quercus ilex (Liguria, Italy)
Lactarius subumbonatus
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Nikon D3 - AF-S 60 G micro - 5 sec. @ f/25 - Found under Quercus ilex (Liguria, Italy)
Lactarius semisanguifluus
R. Heim & Leclair
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60 G micro - 3 sec. @ f/25 - Found under Pinus sylvestris (Lombardia, Italy)
Lactarius decipiens
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60 G micro - 2.5 sec. @ f/25 - Found under Quercus ilex (Liguria, Italy)
Lactarius luridus
(Pers.) Gray
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60 G micro - 0.6 sec. @ f/25 - Found under Pinus sylvestris (Piemonte, Italy)
Lactarius quietus
(Fr.) Fr.
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60 G micro - 4 sec. @ f/20 - Found under Quercus pubescens (Liguria, Italy)
Lactarius cyathuliformis
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60 G micro - 1/2 sec. @ f/25 - Found under Alnus viridis (Finland)
Lactarius lilacinus
(Lasch) Fr.
( Vai alla scheda )
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60 G micro - 1 sec. @ f/25 - Found under Alnus spp. (Paltamo, Finland)
Lactarius pilatii
Z. Schaef.
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60 G micro - 1/4 sec. @ f/25 - Found under Betula spp. (Ruka, Finland)
Lactarius pyrogalus
(Bull.) Fr.
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60 G micro - 1 sec. @ f/25 - Found under Corylus avellana (Lombardia, Italy)