Genus Amanita
Genus Boletus
Genus Cortinarius
Genus Hygrocybe
Genus Hygrophorus
Genus Lactarius
Genus Russula
Genus Suillus
Genus Tricholoma
Altri Generi - Others Genus
Fungi details
Primaverili - Springtime
Boletus edulis group
--> Genere Hygrophorus - Genus Hygrophorus..
Hygrophorus inocybiformis
A.H. Sm.
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60mm G micro - 0.6 sec. @ f/25 - Found under Picea abies (Finland)
Hygrophorus odoratus
A.H. Sm. & Hesler
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60mm G micro - 3 sec. @ f/25 - Found under Picea abies (Finland)
Hygrophorus persoonii
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60mm G micro - 1/3 sec. @ f/16 - Found under Quercus pubescens (Emilia Romagna, Italy)
Hygrophorus penarius
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60mm G micro - 0.8 sec. @ f/29 - Found under Quercus pubescens (Emilia Romagna, Italy)
Hygrophorus karstenii
Sacc. & Cub.
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60mm G micro - 1/10 sec. @ f/22 - Found under Picea abies (Finland)
Hygrophorus capreolarius
(Kalchbr.) Sacc.
Nikon D3 - PC-E 24 mm - 1/50 sec. @ f/10 - Found under Abies alba (Lombardia, Italy)
Hygrophorus camarophyllus
(Alb. & Schwein.) Dumée, Grandjean & Maire
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60mm G micro - 1.6 sec. @ f/25 - Found under Picea abies (Finland)
Hygrophorus hyacinthinus
Nikon D3 - AF-S 105 VR micro - 1/8 sec. @ f/18 - Found under Picea abies (Trentino AA, Italy)
Hygrophorus chrysodon
(Batsch) Fr.
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60mm G micro - 1/2 sec. @ f/25 - Found under Fagus sylvatica (Lombardia, Italy)
Hygrophorus lindtneri
M.M. Moser
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60mm G micro - 0.8 sec. @ f/25 - Found under Q. pubescens and P. alba (Emilia Romagna, Italy)
Hygrophorus russula
(Schaeff.) Kauffman
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60mm G micro - 5 sec. @ f/25 - Found under Quercus ilex (Liguria, Italy)
Hygrophorus marzuolus
(Fr.) Bres.
Nikon D800E - AF-S 60mm G micro - 5 sec. @ f/25 - Found under Picea abies and Fagus sylvatica (Lombardia, Italy)
Hygrophorus cossus
(Sowerby) Fr.
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60mm G micro - 0.8 sec. @ f/29 - Found under Q. pubescens and C. sativa (Emilia Romagna, Italy)
Hygrophorus discoideus
(Pers.) Fr.
Nikon D3 - PC-E 24 mm - 1/2 sec. @ f/16 - Found under Abies alba (Lombardia, Italy)
Hygrophorus erubescens
(Fr.) Fr.
Nikon D3 - AF-S 60mm G micro - 1.6 sec. @ f/25 - Found under Picea abies (Finland)